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Join The Carpool Community

Car Pool App: Fun, Social And Supportive.

Donate to fund a new app, designed to connect carpool individuals all over the NYC Area!

Test the app now !


Hitchhiking of the 21st Century

How Does It Work?

Unlike Uber, this is not a way to earn extra money while chauffeuring the rest of the world around to their destination of choice. Rather, gets YOU where you need to be, while also providing the same service to other like-minded individuals who are travelling within the same metro area, to the same vicinity.

The participants of this carpooling community do not earn money; rather, you share the cost of the journey: gas, mileage, etc


How to participate?

Sponsorship is the rule. Only pioneer members could sponsor new persons. As consumer actors we want people with the same spirit. Pioneer members are contributors of this crowdfunding campaign. As part of the membership, members will pay a $2/month membership fee, with an additional 10% fee. Our data bank of membership information will be completely secured and safe against potential hackers, and we promise never to sell the personal data of our members to other companies.

We offer you the opportunity to be consumACTOR more than consumer.


By utilizing our app, you can connect with other people who still need to travel to their destination, but are willing to take a different spin on the journey. Extensive use of carpooling programs could help us reduce emissions and save the environment, while giving our members the chance to save money on their transportation.

Above all, they’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and purpose, knowing that they have taken a unique step to protecting their planet!

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Car Time Community

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